Friday 18 November 2011


        So me and Benvolio were just hanging around the fountain. The Capulets come over looking for Romeo, Paris is looking for a fight with him. I offer to take Romeos place and he accepts. What was I thinking? Romeo then jumps in the middle with good intentionsof the fight and blocks my vision of Tybalt. Not being able to see my enemy, Tybalt stabs me under Romeo's arm. Last thing I remember is everyone cheering when I clearly needed a doctor. So I wake up and I'm dead! After getting scratched by the "King of Cats", I thought it wasn't too deep but all I remember was passing out. Then the next I know I'm a spooky ghost. It's a tragedy. I tried, desperately to convey to my loyal friends how serisously injured I was. "I'm hurt a plague o' both your houses! I'm sped." I'm feeling remoreseful for always being the jester and entertainer for this sorry lot. It has led me to my grave. "They have made worms' meat of me."  I'm insanely enraged at the injustice of my final street brawl. "Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat to stratch a man to death!" " Why the devil came you (Romeo) between us?"


  1. Oh Mercutio, I miss you so much! I wish it was me in your place and you were still living. I hope the after life treats you well, RIP good friend.

  2. Oh brother of ours, oh wasted life, forever will you dwell in our memories, dear brother of ours.

    Rest in peace, dearest Mercutio.

    - The Montagues.

  3. RIP Mercutio. May life be more peaceful in your new highlands.

  4. Your death was well deserved, your dirty montague should get worse than a death of one. Oh my pooor Tybalt

  5. Mercutio you deserved to die, you gleeking, fool-born, mammet! You and your friends go after a Capulet for no reason and the result was a death to the Capulet family..
