Wednesday 23 November 2011

Act 4 Interview

1 What is your opinion on the Capulet house?
2 What is your opinion on Tybalt in particular?
3 What happened in the fight that got you killed?
4 Are Romeo and Benvolio your right hand men?
5 Do you regret being such a jokester?

1 I hate the Capulet house and all they stand for!
2 Tyblat is one of the worst of them all! He is a D.... ICK
3 Romeo got in my way so I could not see where the sword was coming from
4 They were before I got stabbed
5 I lived a funny life while it lasted, but it killed me in the end. I would have not have lived life any other way


  1. Oh Mercutio, your just the same dead as you are alive! I miss you friend..

  2. I will not speak ill to the dead, but remember, we Capulet's know of what you speak.
