Monday 14 November 2011

Act 2

That Romeo is just a bawd! Me and Benvolio have figured out that he is though with his days of chasing Rosaline. He is now chasing after the Capulets only daughter Juliet. Benvolio is right, his love is hidden behind darkness. He's under the meldar tree waiting for some medlar to fall right into his lap. He's looking for any pink flower he can get to grow straight onto his tale. &#First Rosaline, know Juliet. He will never be content.

So along came the nurse wearing her ugly sail on her head. So I started to beak her. I didn't get a rise out of her so I left Romeo and her alone. So it turns out Romeo and Juliet and to be married by the Friar.


  1. I have found a pink flower for my tail ;) U believe I will be content with Juliet for the rest of my life.

  2. Romeo and Juliet are not getting married she is getting married to me. Stop spreading rumors you no life loser.
