Tuesday 29 November 2011

Still Dead

I enjoy the gusty city animals, lying in a beam of sunlight coming through the window, and reincarnation. I was the funniest fellow around, until Tybalt stabbed me.
Quotes: "I sure wish Mercutio was here..." - Romeo
"Its too bed Mercutio is dead" - Benvolio
Other than getting in that fight with Tybalt I would not change anything about my life!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Act 4 Interview

1 What is your opinion on the Capulet house?
2 What is your opinion on Tybalt in particular?
3 What happened in the fight that got you killed?
4 Are Romeo and Benvolio your right hand men?
5 Do you regret being such a jokester?

1 I hate the Capulet house and all they stand for!
2 Tyblat is one of the worst of them all! He is a D.... ICK
3 Romeo got in my way so I could not see where the sword was coming from
4 They were before I got stabbed
5 I lived a funny life while it lasted, but it killed me in the end. I would have not have lived life any other way

Friday 18 November 2011


        So me and Benvolio were just hanging around the fountain. The Capulets come over looking for Romeo, Paris is looking for a fight with him. I offer to take Romeos place and he accepts. What was I thinking? Romeo then jumps in the middle with good intentionsof the fight and blocks my vision of Tybalt. Not being able to see my enemy, Tybalt stabs me under Romeo's arm. Last thing I remember is everyone cheering when I clearly needed a doctor. So I wake up and I'm dead! After getting scratched by the "King of Cats", I thought it wasn't too deep but all I remember was passing out. Then the next I know I'm a spooky ghost. It's a tragedy. I tried, desperately to convey to my loyal friends how serisously injured I was. "I'm hurt a plague o' both your houses! I'm sped." I'm feeling remoreseful for always being the jester and entertainer for this sorry lot. It has led me to my grave. "They have made worms' meat of me."  I'm insanely enraged at the injustice of my final street brawl. "Zounds, a dog, a rat, a mouse, a cat to stratch a man to death!" " Why the devil came you (Romeo) between us?"

Monday 14 November 2011

Act 2

That Romeo is just a bawd! Me and Benvolio have figured out that he is though with his days of chasing Rosaline. He is now chasing after the Capulets only daughter Juliet. Benvolio is right, his love is hidden behind darkness. He's under the meldar tree waiting for some medlar to fall right into his lap. He's looking for any pink flower he can get to grow straight onto his tale. &#First Rosaline, know Juliet. He will never be content.

So along came the nurse wearing her ugly sail on her head. So I started to beak her. I didn't get a rise out of her so I left Romeo and her alone. So it turns out Romeo and Juliet and to be married by the Friar.

Monday 7 November 2011

Queen Mab

I heard about the brawl in the marketplace and thats why I originally thought Romeo was so sad, but I then realized he was having problems with Roseline. So Benvolio, Romeo and I were walking to the Capulet's party when I concluded that he had been visited by Queen Mab. Queen Mab is a fairy-like creature that drives an acorn vehicle that has spider wheels, she will go into your head through you ear and will intensify whatever emotion you are feeling the most at the moment. I dont think everybody understood what I was going for, but I had was just trying to help Romeo out. Hopefully the party will cheer Romeo up a tad, because I'm missing my good old happy friend. I did see Romeo talking to Lady Capulet's daughter. Juliet is her name I think. I wonder if anything is going on there. Maybe thats why Romeo was so happy when he left the party? I'm sure he'll tell me everything anyway when we meet again.